Friday, October 07, 2005

Those Two Seismologists Feel The Earth Move Every Day Around 4 PM When They Sneak Off To The Broom Closet Together Day

Those Two Seismologists Feel The Earth Move Every Day Around 4 PM When They Sneak Off To The Broom Closet Together Day!

That's what everyone's been saying about you and Charlotte. You both think you've been so careful, but everyone knows how prevalent adultery is in the seismology community. Something about all of you standing around waiting for a needle to twitch and announce the world crumbling apart makes you all think that common morality doesn't apply to you.

Today, there's going to be a 7.4 and it's going to hit while you're in the broom closet. You won't know it at first, since you'll be creating your own little 5.1 on the supplies desk. But it won't be long before even you won't be able to ignore that activity. You'll hustle back into your clothes and run to your red phones to make the proper emergency announcements to the media and the mayor's office. Then you'll both drive on the "solid" roads that your department helped to map out and you'll race to your respective homes, which will be gone.

Now your only hope is that whomever of your loved ones didn't make it home are still alive somewhere, and you have to find them before they get harmed in the ensuing chaos. You join forces in your search, and as you make it through your town, which appears to have almost been swallowed whole, you start to feel like the last man and woman on Earth. The search for your loved ones grows frantic. Neither of you is willing to say it out loud, but you both wonder whether you might have saved some lives had you been watching the needle when the activity began to occur, instead of in the broom closet.

This risk was always a part of the excitement for the two of you, but now that it's happened, you feel nothing short of evil. You try to blame each other. You take to screaming. When you grab Charlotte and shake her by her shoulders, telling her this is all her fault, she grabs a piece of wood and lands it on the side of your head then runs. From then on, you'll travel separately in your respective searches for your families. You both acquire weapons along the way, and the next time you see each other one of you will live and the other will die.

Happy Those Two Seismologists Feel The Earth Move Every Day Around 4 PM When They Sneak Off To The Broom Closet Together Day!