Saturday, April 05, 2003

Hot Pussy On Crutches Day!

Many people think that just because a woman happens to be a way smoking piece of hot pussy, she must necessarily be impervious to injury. That because a woman was born with the ideal body type and bone structure, she must never have to worry about bruising or mortality. This is true only of the most attractive women. These flawless specimens of beauty and sexuality are also, in fact, unbreakable.

But what of all the women who appear to be, in the dimmest of tavern or the brightest of day, physically perfect? Yet, after a night or a year together, unsightly wrinkles are discovered, a redness around the armpit is found to linger in the summertime, or she gains some weight. This woman might carry herself as if she is possessed of a superhuman beauty and powers we cannot comprehend, but in reality she is as fragile as the ugliest girl in the burn ward. And this fact is never so apparent as when she breaks one of her legs.

Suddenly, she must choose to either lay in bed for six weeks until she can once again walk the streets with her facade untarnished, or she can own up to her physical vulnerability and take to the streets on a pair of crutches. If she chooses the latter, she will go about her day with her head bowed, awaiting the ridicule and big rocks she assumes will be hurled her way. In her mind, everyone she passes revels in her hobbling. "Not so pretty now that you fell down," she imagines them thinking.

What she does not expect is the admiration she inevitably receives from her neighbors. She is shocked to find her bravery recognized and commended. She feels welcomed by all those people she used to look down on because they were merely passably attractive. They are excited to learn that she is capable of feeling the same physical pain that they feel. They ask her things like, "So, do you have to work too?" And, "Do you defecate?"

And most surprising of all is the attention she receives from the men she encounters in her day. Men of all shapes and sizes, ugly and handsome alike, all of them go out of their way to let her know that, now that it's clear that this beautiful woman will also one day die, these men would like to buy her dinner and perhaps penetrate her. And she is overjoyed to be spoken to by so many different men when, in the past, the only men who approached her were the very wealthy.

So when you see some hot ass on a pair of crutches, go to her. Let her know that you are awed by her courage and you're glad to know that she's not all stuck up about having skin that is flame retardant like those other girls at the club. You'll be making her day, you sure will.

Happy Hot Pussy On Crutches Day!