Sunday, March 09, 2003

If You Have Bags Under Your Eyes, Here's What It Means Day!

Molestation. Your repressed memories of having been molested constantly between the ages of 6 and 16 are starting to resurface via half-sleep dreams. Last night, as you drifted off to sleep, you entered a dream. You felt cold saliva on your cheek. The drool of a middle-aged uncle. You felt the breeze from the window chill the patch of saliva and you jumped into an upright position and vomited. For the rest of the night, you sat under a 100 watt light bulb and sort of talked to yourself about some funny stuff that you can't remember right now. You don't remember, really, being molested yet either. You won't sleep tonight though because a part of you knows that if you sleep, you'll dream and if you dream, you'll remember. You're glad not to sleep. Because you don't want to remember all those times old people had sex with you when you'd preferred that they not.

Happy If You Have Bags Under Your Eyes, Here's What It Means Day!