Monday, March 13, 2006

Your Dinner Party Murder Mystery Will Be A Disappointment Day!

After the lights come back on and the 80 year old art collector Mr Billingsby is discovered to be dead in his chair, you'll quickly lock the doors to the mansion and demand that no one leave until the killer is named. Over the next few hours, the majority of dinner guests will argue that Mr. Billingsby could not have been murdered because there is no wound. You'll respond that he might have been poisoned. Why else would he suddenly die right when the lights went out? The other guests will unanimously argue that there is no need for the lights to be struck in order for a man to be poisoned. They will further argue that perhaps Mr Billingsby was merely startled by the storm and his weak heart gave out. You'll begin to argue that that's exactly what the killer would like everybody to believe, but you'll be interrupted when paramedics come barging in to tend to the body. Someone will have called them, since it will have been decided very early on that your murder mystery idea was just the work of a very bored individual who has no qualms about wasting people's time in order to avoid being lonely.

Happy Your Dinner Party Murder Mystery Will Be A Disappointment Day!