Saturday, July 17, 2004

The Skirt Of Her Wedding Dress Flares Out Like A Bell Day!

It's the only dress she packed. In the darkness of 3 AM she didn't need to see it to know it was the one she'd marry in.

While packing she was aware of the story she'd one day tell, perhaps to her daughter, perhaps only to her mother. "I packed only one dress," she would say. "Just one dress to marry in. Some jeans, socks and underwear and I tossed the bag out my window to Paco waiting in the garden." It was going to be a very good story.

"I've seen you in that already," Paco says when she meets him at the podium of the wedding chapel.

"Bad luck?" she asks, her face a teardrop with a grin.

Paco lifts the makeshift veil up to rest on her hair. "We'll see," he says. And he turns to hear what the minister has to say.

Happy The Skirt Of Her Wedding Dress Flares Out Like A Bell Day!