Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Make Love To Your Husband’s Old College Roommate, Dave Day!

Your husband’s old college roommate Dave is staying with you for a week. You’re sick of hearing them reminisce about college. You wish you had something to reminisce with Dave about that your husband could be sick of. Your husband’s at work today, so you should make love to Dave.

“Why?” Dave will ask.

“We just should,” tell him.

“I need a reason,” he’ll say.

“You’re here. I’m here,” you say, taking off your top. “My top’s off. Boobs.” You point to one of your boobs.

“You’re just reciting details about the present,” he’ll say. “Not why we should have sex.”

He drives a hard bargain.

“You knew my husband when he was younger so you represent a part of his life that I don’t know,” tell him. “Having sex with you will let me lay a claim of my own on that part of his life.”

“So it will bring you closer to him?” Dave will say. “Well, if it helps my old college buddy’s marriage, okay.”

When your husband comes home early and finds Dave inside of you, he’ll pull you both into a group hug.

“I hated you not having some claim of your own on that part of my life,” he’ll shout.

Later, your husband and Dave will reminisce about college, and you and Dave will reminisce about the sex you had earlier, and everything will be even.

Happy Make Love To Your Husband’s Old College Roommate, Dave Day!