Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Ask Your Teacher For Help Talking To Boys Day!

Say to her, “Miss Wallace, I like Derek but I don’t know how to tell him. What should I say?”

“Tell him he’s allowed to walk all over you until he gets what he wants out of you sexually and tosses you aside for someone in a lower grade,” Miss Wallace says.

The next day Miss Wallace is replaced by a sub and your class is told that she’ll be taking time off until things with Mister Wallace are settled.

You’re glad you got to ask her for advice before she left. You use her advice on Derek and he says he likes you too. “But it’s not like Miss Wallace said,” Derek insists. “I really like you and want to be your boyfriend forever.”

Derek breaks up with you two days after you let him get boob.

Happy Ask Your Teacher For Help Talking To Boys Day!