Sunday, February 12, 2006

Show Her How You Use Your Ability To Shoot Fireballs Out Of Your Mouth For Good, Not Evil Day!

It's your third date and her body language is making it very clear that she is not impressed with you.

"Wanna go someplace for dessert after this?" you'll ask her when you're waiting for the check (she'll have asked the waitress for it).

"I gotta get up early," she'll say. Time to whip out the big guns.

"You know," say. "I'm real good at shooting fireballs out of my mouth."

She'll say, "For what? So you can set fire to orphanages without getting too close? Or so you can set girls' dresses on fire and make them strip down to their underwear for you?"

Say, "No. I don't do things like that."

"What else could you do with an unholy power like that?" she'll ask.

It will seem like there's no chance of winning her over. Then, while walking her home, she'll spy a stray cat who got caught in a snowdrift and froze to the sidewalk in a block of hard slush. Drink from your flask of 151 and ignite a cloud of flame from your Zippo to engulf the frozen kitty in healing warmth. Within seconds, the cat will be rubbing up against you and purring. Your date will grab hold of your arm.

"I was wrong about you," she'll say. "You're our only hope."

Reply, "Wrong. I'm just a nice guy who has a hankering for some mud pie. Join me?"

She'll wrap her fingers even tighter around your arm and let you lead her to dessert. There's nothing that gets a lady hotter than a guy who saves kitties with the same power that could bathe the world in hellfire if he felt like it.

Happy Show Her How You Use Your Ability To Shoot Fireballs Out Of Your Mouth For Good, Not Evil Day!