Friday, February 17, 2006

Plan Surprise Parties For Everyone You Know And You'll Never Have To Quit Drinking Day!

You drink lots and lots of liquor. Many people want you to quit because, according to them, they "care about you." Don't take it too personally. People who care about people always try to get them to give up the only thing that helps them to keep living, especially if that "only thing" happens to be either alcohol, illegal narcotics, gambling, or a teen.

The way to put off quitting drinking is to put the gears in motion on some surprise parties for whichever of your friends have a birthday coming up. Whenever someone quits drinking, everyone takes a closer look at him to try and figure out what was wrong with his life so they can say, "Thank God I'm a far more grounded and successful human being than that ticking timebomb."

But if you quit drinking while you're planning surprise parties for people, when everyone starts poking their noses into your private business to find evidence of you're bottoming out, they'll start thinking, "Boy, glad I didn't marry him�Hey! What's with all the streamers?!" In order to keep the party a secret from the birthday boy/girl, you're just going to have to tough it out and go further and further down the spiral of addiction. "I'd like to quit," you can tell your spouse/relatives/pets, "But I can't ruin the big Four-Oh for Sharon. I'm just not that selfish." Then pass out fast before anyone can offer alternatives.

Happy Plan Surprise Parties For Everyone You Know And You'll Never Have To Quit Drinking Day!