Thursday, September 04, 2003

A Popularity Contest Day!

You can win this because people love seeing love work out.

Janice and Frank were meant to be together. But Janice married young to Laurence, a miserable alcoholic who always made her show up alone to Scattergories night at your house. That's where she met Frank and that's where their love affair began. But they couldn't be together as long as Laurence was alive. Your entire circle of friends felt the frustration of seeing a love that is in every way correct being forced to hide behind closed doors. Every time someone got her alone, Janice was given the same advice: Kill Laurence but don't go to jail or anything. And if you were around, Janice would always invite your opinion with her eyes. And you could only shrug and say, "They're right Janice. Laurence has to die."

So after she bludgeoned Laurence in his chair with a lamp, she knocked her bloody fist upon your door and asked to use your shower. The police showed up not soon after and asked if anyone had anything to say about anything. You replied, "Yes." And you've been in jail ever since. And Janice and Frank are free and doing pretty well, though they're having a little money trouble of late.

You would say that your sacrifice was mere responsibility. Not just because they met at your Scattergories party. No. It was a responsibility to Love itself. And people who demonstrate responsibility in the presence of true love are very popular amongst friends and coworkers. You should enter the contest.

Happy A Popularity Contest Day!