Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Take Off Your Brassiere While Your Shirt's Still On Just Like That Whore From Flashdance Day

Take Off Your Brassiere While Your Shirt's Still On Just Like That Whore From Flashdance Day!

It sounds forward, but this is the only way you're going to get a man's attention. The next time you're with that special guy that you're really trying to make it work with, take your bra off while your shirt's still on. You could be on a date with him or you could be trying to land a plane with him after all of the pilots have been hypnotized by a child hypnotist who doesn't understand his own power yet. Just take off your bra.

He'll say something like, "I'm really enjoying being on this date with you." Or, "I'm really enjoying hurtling through the sky clueless at the helm of this commercial jet with you."

That's when you should bring up how you want to go back to school. "I want to be a child psychologist," you should say. Then reach your arms behind you and unclasp your brassiere. Make sure you look him in the eye while you do it. Say something like, "I hope you don't mind but I'm going to remove some of my underwear now." Or, "Jesus my breasts are sweaty." Then pull the brassiere down through the sleeve of your shirt and toss it over the back of a chair, making sure that it drapes well so that he can get a good look at just what kind of bra you were just wearing.

Once your bra is off, ask him if he's married. If he says no, he's lying. If he says yes, he's still going to sleep with you. But in four months when you start asking what kind of future you can expect from him, he'll hold it against you that you knew, way back on that day when you took your bra off while your shirt was still on, that he was married. And yet you still began sleeping with him. So the best you can hope for is that he lies and says no, so that when you fight later, you can have a leg to stand on. Regardless, you have a plane to land.

Happy Take Off Your Brassiere While Your Shirt's Still On Just Like That Whore From Flashdance Day!