Monday, February 03, 2003

Listen To The Pitter Patter Of Little Feet Just Underneath Your Sternum Day!

Your heart is beating to the rhythm of 13 Irish children running from a drunk father with a belt in his hand. Yet you no longer leave your bed, and neither do you possess the capacity to react to things. Why should your heart be pounding so?

Simple. Your heart thinks it got a raw deal by being born into your shell and now it wants out. Don't let it. Wrap your torso up tight in bandages, lay down on your futon and pull your chest of drawers down atop you. Then get your roommate/spouse/building superintendent to perch a ten speed bike up atop the chest of drawers. Let's see the little bastard try to bust through all that. Ha!

Happy Listen To The Pitter Patter Of Little Feet Just Underneath Your Sternum Day! The nights are getting longer, yes?