Monday, August 05, 2002

Why Should I Bother To Learn To Play The Piano If I'll Never Be As Good As A Skeleton? Day!
It's humbling, isn't it? You can start taking lessons when you're five years old, practice every day, and even get enough skills to impress friends at wedding receptions. Until a skeleton walks in of course.

No one can rock out at the keys like an undead human dried bare of skin and tissue. They bend that musty spinal column in over the black and whites like they're getting in position for a bump and grind. And sure, they only seem to know how to play The Twist and Tutti Frutti, but look at that grin! I swear I can see beads of sweat flying free of that pearly white cranium. Just don't stop dancing. Sometimes when a skeleton sees that people aren't really into The Twist or Tutti Frutti, it'll open it's jaw wide and fill the room with shrieking ghouls.

Happy Why Should I Bother To Learn To Play The Piano If I'll Never Be As Good As A Skeleton? Day!