Monday, May 20, 2002

Sing That Song, The One That Makes Me Hit Myself Day!

You know the one. It's the one about the girl, at least I think it's a girl, and you're telling her to wake up to the rest of her life or something and it's got that big BANGBANGBANG!!! in the middle before you tell her she's too beautiful to be pretty or I mean she's too beautiful to be angry or I mean she's too beautiful to have cancer but then there's like a NAHNAHNAAAAH! before you do that awful monologue about unemployed Afghani-Americans (this is supposed to be a song about a girl, shithead) and thankfully you bring it back to the girl and you ask her to never forget the way she feels this morning because the planet needs someone to feel that way in order to keep on spinning and then you get really hooky and you list all the ways she saved a life by waking up and walking out her door for one more morning and it ends with just this kind of clatter.

Sing it. By the way, I hate your band's new album. Happy Sing That Song, The One That Makes Me Hit Myself Day!