Saturday, January 28, 2006

Underground Barbershop Day!

It's where some of the best barbers in the city rent a chair, and you can get the haircut of your life for pennies because they got nowhere else to go. No matter how talented a barber might be, there's a good chance he might one day have to go into hiding because old time criminals (top guys) can't help but flap their gums in the barber's chair. They'll yap away about which rat had it coming and where best to saw into which limb when you have to get rid of a body. They won't think twice about it, especially when the smock comes off and they get a look at that slick new trim.

It's when the indictment gets handed down that everyone takes a seat and makes a list of who could squeal. And that's the day that Ramon's chair goes cold, all those Polaroids of his daughters back in Cuba torn down from the mirror. The girl taking the phones doesn't even think twice. She just runs down the list and cancels all his appointments saying, "He had to leave the country and go home for a little while."

But you know where to find him. In the basement under the donut shop near the railyard is a 1200 square foot floor lined wall to wall with spinning leather highback chairs and mirrors crawling with cutouts of Brad Pitt's haircut. It's the Underground Barbershop, a sanctuary for some of the best barbers in town whose lives ain't worth spit for the months and months it takes for a federal inquiry to hit a brick wall and call off the dogs. They're doing what they love in the only place they're safe, and they don't charge extra for styling gel after. Go on. Drive 50 miles out of your way and spend only 15 bucks to get the smoothest fade of your young life.

Happy Underground Barbershop Day!