Monday, April 08, 2002

You're Simply The Most Beautiful Creature I've Ever Seen Day!

Today I am in shock that someone possessed of such an otherworldly beauty would have to sully his or herself by taking a temporary word processing assignment at a marketing firm. We all need to pay the rent, but today I feel that you shouldn't have to. Today it seems that the world as a whole should say to you "You're money's no good here" in gratitude for deigning to walk the same soil as the rest of us.

This'll only last for the day, so I suggest you make the most of it. Take a few unnecessary trips past my office so you can hear me try to stifle a sigh as I wonder if someone so precious would ever allow him or herself to stoop low enough to grant me his or her attention, for just a moment perhaps. Because today's You're Simply The Most Beautiful Creature I've Ever Seen Day!