Sunday, July 14, 2002

When A Car Drives Past Your Window Blasting That Jewel Song Where She Says "You Can Be Henry Miller And I'll Be Anais Nin" But She Pronounces Anais Like An Asshole, That's The Signal Day!
Dressed in the Boy With Beautiful Eyes Who Has Cancer disguise, go to your rooftop and release the Falcon. Off the south edge of the rooftop will be a neighboring rooftop, fifteen feet below. You will see a television antenna. Impale yourself upon it, secure in the knowledge that the operation has commenced and by the way good work coming up with a signal that couldn't be mistaken for just a coincidence. We honestly thought Eminem's "Without Me" wouldn't catch on the way it did. Happy When A Car Drives Past Your Window Blasting That Jewel Song Where She Says "You Can Be Henry Miller And I'll Be Anais Nin" But She Pronounces Anais Like An Asshole, That's The Signal Day!