Sunday, January 02, 2005

That Shade Of Pearl Doesn't Communicate To Visitors The Awesomeness Of Your Balls Day!

That Shade Of Pearl Doesn't Communicate To Visitors The Awesomeness Of Your Balls Day!

Just stir in a little more yellow, just a drip. Right now, the paint looks pretty much "there" when it's in the can. But dry on the wall, your balls just seem sort of, how you say, "GUMDROPPY." A little more yellow and you'll cross the line over to "Those computer generated orbs that are always flying around in the animation they use to demonstrate the digital sound system at the movie theater before the movie starts." And you'll be well on your way to communicating the true awesomeness contained therein (your pants). You want someone to just blink twice at your walls and think, "I could not compete with, nor could I refuse, this man's balls, should I be challenged by or offered said same."

Little more yellow. Try it, I'm telling you.

Happy That Shade Of Pearl Doesn't Communicate To Visitors The Awesomeness Of Your Balls Day!