Tuesday, March 04, 2003

A Flavor Of Incense That Makes People Imagine What You'd Look Like Giving A Baby A Bath When They Breathe It In Day!

Whether you have a big date tonight or you've invited your boss over for dinner, light up some of those special incense sticks you bought from the back of that white van over the weekend. No, not the flavor that makes people believe their eyeballs have been replaced with live waterbugs. Light the flavor that makes anyone who breathes it in imagine what you'd look like giving a baby a bath.

It'll really lighten the mood. Once the air is good and cloudy with the aroma, you'll find your guests just staring at you with a big grin on their faces, tilting their heads to the side as if they want to say "Awww" but are trying to refrain since you're using your quiet voice to tell the story about the ambulance visit the other night because the neighbor's daughter attempted suicide again. They'll start saying things like, "You keep such a warm, wholesome household" and "It's just impossible not to like you right now" and "Here comes the Tugboat!" but they won't really know why. Or at least they won't know that you know why.

Just make sure a window is open to constantly circulate the air. If the smoke from those incense sticks grows close and stale, it can turn and everyone will start to imagine you giving a baby a bath without any water in the tub, just you rubbing the baby's skin harder and harder, chafing it off layer by layer until the baby is screaming and rough.

Happy A Flavor Of Incense That Makes People Imagine What You'd Look Like Giving A Baby A Bath When They Breathe It In Day!